

CANON PiXMA Printers Troubleshooting Tutorials.

Do you have a problem in your CANON PiXMA Printer and remain unsolved? Here you can search and see the possible remedy to make your Printer working again. Just use the SEARCH BOX SYSTEM to find your troubleshooting solution. You can also leave a COMMENT(S) if possible.

How to make Pixma Canon IP2772 Printer as a default Printer?

From your desktop, you may click start menu button, and
then point your cursor to devices and printers and click right away. The window will pop-up which your Pixma Canon IP2772 Printer was in there.

Once you are inside the said window, just select the printer and then right click  and click set as default printer. If you had successfully make your printer default you can see the green check symbol over your printer.
How to make Pixma Canon IP2772 Printer as a default Printer?
Setting up your printer as default mean when you print directly your document will send to the designate printer that you set as default. If your have multiple printer installed in your computer you don't need to worry where to printer, but be sure you are currently make it default.

I hope it will help to make your printing faster and hustle free.

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